Calculate the number of departures and mean headways for routes within a given timespan and for given service_ids.
start_time = "06:00:00",
end_time = "22:00:00",
service_ids = NULL
gtfs feed (tidygtfs object)
analysis start time, can be given as "HH:MM:SS", hms object or numeric value in seconds.
analysis period end time, can be given as "HH:MM:SS", hms object or numeric value in seconds.
A set of service_ids from the calendar dataframe identifying a particular service id. If not provided, the service_id with the most departures is used.
a dataframe of routes with variables or headway/frequency in seconds for a route within a given time frame
Some GTFS feeds contain a frequency data frame already. Consider using this instead, as it will be more accurate than what tidytransit calculates.
routes_frequency <- get_route_frequency(gtfs_duke)
x <- order(routes_frequency$median_headways)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 6
#> route_id total_departures median_headways mean_headways st_dev_headways
#> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 1679 513 1440 2771 4940.
#> 2 1690 1242 1477 1403 223.
#> 3 1683 644 2590 4515 4390.
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: stop_count <int>